Dünyayı Yöneten Gizli Örgütler
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3. Blum William, Rogue State: A Guıde to the World’s Only Superpower, Maine:Common Courage Press, 2000.
4. Chomsky Noam, Manufacturing Consent, New York: Pantheon, 1988.
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6. Chomsky Noam, ‘What Uncle Sam Really Wants’ Arizona: Odonian Press, 1992.
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8. Constantine Alex, The Virtual Government, California:Feral House, 1997.
9. Domhoff William, Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats, New York: Harper Colophone Books, 1974.
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11.Draul Arkon, Secret Societies: A History, New York: MJF Books, 1989.
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13.Ironhouse Adam, Bushların Gizli Tarihi. Çeviren: Kemal Okuyan, Ankara:Kim Yayınları, 2002.
14.Nuel Pharr Davis, Lawrence and Oppenheimer, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968.
15.Marrs Texe. Circle of Intrigue. Texas: Rivercrest Publishing. 2001.
16.Marrs Jim ‘Rule by Secrecy’, NewYork: Harper Collins, 2000.
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18.Manisalı Erol. Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Büyük Sermaye. Istanbul: Derin Yayınları, 2002b.
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20.Montalvo Michael, Prisoner of the Drug War: George Bush. Prevailing Winds, 8: 76-83. September-December 2000.
21.Robertson Pat, The New World Order, Dallas: Word Inc. 1991. s: 97.
22.Ross Gaylon, Who is Who of the Elite? Spicewood-Texas, RIE Press, 2000.
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24.Sayın Ümit, Kıyamet Komplosu, Editör: Atilla Akar. Istanbul: Gendaş 2002. S:187-207
25.Sklar Holy, editor, TRILATERALISM, Boston: South End Press, 1980. s: 147-149.
26.Sutton Antony, America’s Secret Establishment, Montana:Liberty House Press. 1986.
27.Sutton Antony, The Secret Cult of the Order, Montana: Liberty House Press. 1990
28.Sutton Antony, Trilaterals over Washington, Montana:Liberty House Press, 1988.
29.Vankin Jonathan, Conspiracies, Cover-ups and Crimes:From Dallas to Waco, Georgia: Illuminet Press, 1996.